Hesher is a 2010 drama film written and directed by Spencer Susser and starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Natalie Portman, and Rainn Wilson. First screened at the Sundance Film Festival January 22, 2010, when the film premiere in the U.S. is May 13, 2011.
film that many are waiting for his debut, the film can certainly entertain dramaini permirsanya for broadcast, Hesher is a 2010 drama film written and directed by Spencer Susser and starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Natalie Portman, and Rainn Wilson. First screened at the Sundance Film Festival January 22, 2010, when the film premiere in the U.S. is May 13, 2011.
Plot: When the tragic loss of his mother, TJ (Devin Brochu) and his pill popping his father's (Rainn Wilson) is forced to live in TJ old grandmother (Piper Laurie). A young man named Hesher troubled past (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), assumes the role of both mentor and tormentor, that TJ would have a problem, would never have imagined. young grocery clerk named Nicole (Natalie Portman), the steps to protect TJ, TJ, and became the object of fantasy, but moving Hesher grandmother's house. Although not invited, it is somehow acceptable.